Get Out of the Boat Continued...



When you’re not sure what you’re made of, flip that uncertainty and remember who you’re made by.  Jesus calls each and every one of us to trust him at a level where He’s asking us to get out of the boat and step on the water.

After posting my video yesterday, I really felt there was much more to say on the topic of "Getting out of the boat" so I started to write. When I was finished, I realized I had an entire traditional blog post that needed to be shared, so today am sharing the continuation of my thoughts from yesterday's video blog. If you haven't watched it yet, you can find it here!

Man, I think just holding onto the edge and lifting one leg over is the first step. He calls you to something and before you even lift the first leg over the boat you’re thinking, “Are you kidding? How could I ever? I’m nobody! How will that ever happen?” And like Moses, we even throw in “I can’t because I stutter” nonsense when God calls us to new heights with him.

How? I can’t! No way!

This is where we take his Word and we practically apply it to our lives. We speak his truth over ourselves and we say, “I can do all things through the One who gives me strength”.

You’re right, I can’t do what he’s calling me to do, but with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, you bet I can. And hey if you’re the one, like Peter, yelling out to God “If that’s really you Jesus, let me walk out on the water to you, take me to a whole nother level with you”, then for goodness sake you better be ready to get out of the boat.

But friend if you need examples of God using his people just look at history from the beginning to our current day. See in Scripture what movements God has accomplished through even just one person saying “yes” to him. He moved 1 million enslaved Jews out of Egypt because Moses ultimately said “yes” to God’s seemingly crazy and impossible call of being their advocate and leading them.  Take a closer look at how He’s moving through lives dedicated to him today even in the crazy amount of storms and chaos in our world today.

Why do you think he calls us to get out of the boat? Do you think it’s just for a miracle for miracle's sake? No!

God shows us what it looks like to trust him with our very lives. He shows us what it looks like to abandon our tiny understanding of the world around us and believe the Creator of the universe knows quite a bit more than we do.

When we get out of the boat and follow his calling on our lives, He is glorified by the mountains He moves in working through us. Maybe those behind us still in the boat will be totally changed in their thinking of God because of the faith walk you’re living.

From the second he calls you into an unknown territory of life, ministry, forgiveness, restoration, promotion or assignment… you keep your eyes on Jesus and his promises. Not the waves which are the circumstances around you. Not the fact that everything you currently know is telling you that you’ll sink. When you see with your earthly eyes, you’ll probably never get out of the boat. When you see through your spiritual eyes through the promises of the Word of God and through the power of Holy Spirit guiding you, you’ll step out of the boat because you’re looking at Jesus.

And friend, He’s not going to let you sink.

If you feel yourself sinking, take a look at what you’re carrying. Are you carrying the heavy weight of fear, worry, sinful behaviors, anger, and misplaced identity on your journey across the water? Peter started to sink when he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on himself. He was gripped by fear because he realized He was doing the impossible. That’s precisely when Jesus didn’t scold him but extended his hand.

I’m always surprised that Jesus doesn’t just come out and say, “Seriously dude? You got out of the boat, have walked halfway to me on water (hello miracle!) and now you’re gonna look at yourself! Now you’re going to stop and wonder if you can do this?” 

Good thing I’m not Jesus! I’m not the best at being merciful to myself or others when it comes to our dumb notion that it’s because of our own strength that great things happen. Every good and perfect gift comes from above.  But our Father, full of love and patience for us, just extends his hand and says to us “Look at me. Seek my face”.

I leave you today friend with the hope that you will get out of the "safe boat" and follow his lead. That you would do what seems impossible to you with your eyes on Jesus.

That you would truly believe that He > Waves. 

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