Abundant Living business and ministry is dedicated to helping people discover how they can live healthy, joyful, and abundant lives by taking care of their physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

We Believe: 

Here at Abundant Living we believe you have innate value no matter who you are, what you do, or where you’re coming from! The world tells you your personal worth comes from your STATUS, PERFORMANCE, AND APPEARANCE – but a lot of people are living trying to measure up to all the standards that come with those, and are feeling empty, exhausted, and defeated.

And you know what, no wonder because your status, ability to perform in certain ways, and appearance can and will change over time – so if we’re banking on those things for our sense of value and personal worth, we’re in big trouble!

But friend let me say - You are worth it, you are loved, and you are valuable before you make any “improvements”!

So we believe a posture change can take place where you embrace your value first, and then make those healthy lifestyle changes because you are valuing yourself enough to do so, not because you think you have make “improvements” in order to be valuable.

The posture change, changes everything! We can actually enjoy the process of eating healthier, exercising, working on a skill, or setting goals because we are choosing to live from a stance of “even if I never made this change, I’m still valuable”.

Here at Abundant Living we believe that there is freedom like you’ve never experienced on the other side of valley you go through to look inside, bring into the light your inner damaging voice, get new life-giving words over you, valuing yourself enough to take care of yourself, and finally looking upwards to discover that YOU are valuable because your Creator made you to be!

"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."  - John 10:10