Our team passionately believes that your true value is found in your Creator God.
But with society’s often unrealistic expectations and the media’s pressure to look and perform a certain way constantly yanking at us, we can often find ourselves drowning in feelings of inadequacy.
But friend, we’re not meant to find our belonging, worth, and confidence apart from who God says we are.
In one way or another, we all face the “Am I good enough, worthy, or able?” battle. We all get out of bed in the morning to stare at our flaws in the mirror. We all tend to judge our value by status, performance, and appearance. Self-criticism does not discriminate against gender or age. It rips at everyone.
I believe that no matter the issue, be it spiritual, emotional, or physical, the solution is rooted in Christ. By releasing the demands of the world and looking to Him for our true sense of worth, we empower ourselves to take responsibility for our lifestyles and thus improve our state of being. God wrote an entire book showering us in the truth necessary to make healthy choices.
I see it as a beautiful partnership with God in which I surrender to Him what only He can heal while holding myself accountable for what only I can change.
I hope the video today speaks love and life into you by focusing your eyes upward and onto what’s possible for your future!
Take some time for this encouraging video above.
Before you go, here's some words strait from the Word to speak over yourself: