Emotional Health

Dealing with Your Self Worth

How do you feel about YOUrself? 

Just like you, I've struggled to feel worthy, accepted, approved of, valuable, needed...  

We all have varying understandings of our stripped down sense of self - who we are without the additions of accomplishments, possessions, and our physical appearance.

We all, no matter where we're at on the spectrum of feeling content with ourselves, tend to want to be "better" than we currently are. Sometimes we truly just want to be the "best". Wanting to be better and grow as a person is truly positive to a point, but when does it become a negative force that torments your mind?

Here's what I think...


Waiting on the Journey

The vision is in your heart for a reason.

But who likes to wait? Not me!

Patience has never been my strong suit. I always find I want to jump from point A to Z without considering the 24 letters between.

But the reality is that if we rush from the birth of a vision to its fulfillment, unwilling to wait on the Lord’s timing, we cheat ourselves of the journey—after all, how can we develop our character and embrace new levels of the responsibility and perseverance necessary to endure challenges if we impatiently reject the waiting period? 

I realized the importance of character development a few years ago when God assigned me a new position as a church worship director. Looking back, I recognize my imperfections and the mistakes I made along the way to fulfilling that calling. But I also see without a doubt that during the years preceding my leadership, God was building my character so I could step into that role. I am thankful that instead of plucking me up and dropping me at a final destination—from A to Z—He took me on a journey filled with highs and lows.

I learned through each experience, but it was in the valleys that my character grew most.

Whether you're waiting for the fruits of labor to ripen, for your true love to sweep you off your feet, or for that promotion you've worked so hard to get, it doesn’t matter—your patience will be tested. The waiting can be hard, but the vision in your heart is there for a reason.

God is for you (Rom. 8:31), and I encourage you to lean into this season of waiting and let Him develop your character so that you're equipped for whatever comes! 

Share with someone who could use this encouragement! 

Two Sides of the Coin: Value and Responsibility

Our team passionately believes that your true value is found in your Creator God.

But with society’s often unrealistic expectations and the media’s pressure to look and perform a certain way constantly yanking at us, we can often find ourselves drowning in feelings of inadequacy.

But friend, we’re not meant to find our belonging, worth, and confidence apart from who God says we are.

In one way or another, we all face the “Am I good enough, worthy, or able?” battle. We all get out of bed in the morning to stare at our flaws in the mirror. We all tend to judge our value by status, performance, and appearance. Self-criticism does not discriminate against gender or age. It rips at everyone. 

I believe that no matter the issue, be it spiritual, emotional, or physical, the solution is rooted in Christ. By releasing the demands of the world and looking to Him for our true sense of worth, we empower ourselves to take responsibility for our lifestyles and thus improve our state of being. God wrote an entire book showering us in the truth necessary to make healthy choices.

I see it as a beautiful partnership with God in which I surrender to Him what only He can heal while holding myself accountable for what only I can change. 

I hope the video today speaks love and life into you by focusing your eyes upward and onto what’s possible for your future!

Take some time for this encouraging video above.

Before you go, here's some words strait from the Word to speak over yourself: 

  • I have the Greater One living in me; greater is He Who is in me than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).
  • I can do all things through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:13).
  • I am God’s workmanship, created in Christ unto good works (Ephesians 2:10).
  • I am more than a conqueror through Him Who loves me (Romans 8:37).
  • For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

Please let us know how we can pray for you in the comments below - or we'd love to hear from you if this post was helpful and what you'd like more of! Love from your AL tribe xo