Let's be real: we've all compared ourselves to other people in our lives or strangers on social media!
If we can be real, we have ALL at one point stacked our worth against someone else- based on our status, accomplishments, or performance.
Think about it for a second. With your friends, co-workers and even family members...
Do you look at their body and personality and feel jealousy rise like a boulder in your throat?
Do you struggle to be happy for a co-worker that get's a promotion, because all you can think about is when it's going to be your turn?
Do you envy your friend's marriage and start trying to measure yours against it?
Do you look at a sibling's accomplishments and start feeling depressed by your lacking list?
I filmed this short video a few years ago to speak right into the heart of the matter and am offering some helpful suggestions to overcoming the "Comparison Trap" that's stealing your joy.
Take a little time today...