Abundant Living

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The outward-focused New Year's resolution

What are your big plans for the New Year? 

We so often think of the new year as a time to improve ourselves. To get slimmer, workout more, improve our budgeting, etc. Everywhere around us is the buzzing phrase: "new years resolution". While we believe self-improvement is a good thing overall, we also wonder if our focus has become too inward focused for the benefit of self, rather than how it can benefit and serve others. Living the Abundant Life, while giving focus to how we can grow personally, is also about giving our lives away. Sharing our time, resources, and energy for the sake of others.

What if we put ourselves out of the main focus and asked: "how can I make the world around me a better place?"

How often do you really listen to how we (yes, all of us) talk about our lives? Do you hear the self-reliant tone as we state our plans? Do you hear the need to be sure of ourselves, or at least sound sure of ourselves to the ear of others? How often do we justify our longing for material possessions to bring us more pleasure and comfort? 

Is there a possibility that we are settling? That when we piece together our lives with a surrounding that mostly reflects what is comfortable and what we "want", that we possibly miss the better life filled with what God has for us? 

What if the most soul-fulfilling life is when we feel both God's rich blessings AND let ourselves be uncomfortable if it means God using us in ways that greatly stretch and grow us? What if the greatest blessing is on the other side of sacrifice? What if our deepest contentment came after the courage and willingness to truly say "God, use my life for your glory, whatever that looks like"?

We have a sermon by Andy Stanley, pastor of North Point Church in Atlanta, that we think perfectly fits with a Christ-centered mindset for the new year, and for the rest of our lives. 

Watch Pastor Andy Stanley's message here. 

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