Abundant Living

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A New Year Reflection

How is your new year going? 

Here we are already a few months in. How are you feeling about the year so far? How are you doing emotionally? Spiritually? Physically? Mentally? Are you making steps—big or small—towards living an abundant life? Or are you paralyzed in your tracks, overwhelmed with the demands of life, unable to break free?

Maybe you know what you need to do but can’t seem to do it, frozen in uncertainty, in questions, constantly doubting, terrified of what ifs. Maybe you have managed some significant accomplishments but find yourself backsliding or relapsing. Maybe you have taken courageous steps toward your goals and are relishing the unparalleled exhilaration of hard-earned progress. Or maybe you are basking in ignorant bliss, avoiding the parts of your life that are just too much to handle, barricaded in a safe, comfortable space of denial. 

Regardless of where you are, how you are feeling, and what your response has been so far, I encourage you to take a moment to pause and reflect, re-evaluate and adjust.

Just as the occasional rest stop on a winding mountain trail can save you miles of lost ground, stopping to look up from the rush of life is critical to staying on track emotionally and spiritually. If by stopping briefly you confirm that you are in fact on course, keep trekking forward. If not, assess your plight, consult your compass, and adjust your steps accordingly. If after pausing you are still unsure of your direction, don’t panic. While such moments can be disconcerting, everyone experiences them from time to time, and many strategies exist to guide you into clearer meadows. I prefer the trial and error strategy—it often makes for great adventures and stories down the road. 

I encourage you to take some time for the below: 


So, where are you? Pause, look up, and observe. What are you doing? How are doing? Explore your journey with curiosity, letting go of any judgment or expectation, and ask yourself these questions:

  • Is this where I want to be? 
  • Do my choices align with God and honor Him? 
  • One year from now, will I find that my choices have led me to a destination I desire?
  • Am I listening and responding to God? 
  • Am I living an abundant life, or are the chains of fear and pride holding me down?


Are you off track? If so, where did you go wrong? In what area do you need help or encouragement? What should you acknowledge, speak aloud, and bring before the Lord? We all have baggage that can pull us astray—though some hide it better than others. Are you ready to check yours at the feet of Jesus?


What needs to change for you to get back on course? The choices you make in response to these reflections and revelations are pivotal. Whether you decide to act or decide to bury your head in the sand, whether your thought process is conscious or subconscious, you will be making a choice. Do not let fear, anxiety, or temporal concerns keep you from following the path God has for you. 

Be intentional. You don’t need to have everything figured out or know all the right answers. Your next move doesn’t have to catapult you to the top of the mountain; it can be a baby step—as long as that baby step takes you forward.

So, what comes next in your pursuit of an abundant life?

Prayer? A celebration of the distance you’ve come so far? Sharing with a friend? Reflecting of your life through a journal entry?

My prayer is twofold: (1) that you would acknowledge, accept, and appreciate exactly where God has you—free of criticism, pressure, guilt, and shame and (2) that you would focus on His reckless love and His redemptive plan. Only then can you truly discover and embrace the abundant life He desires for you.

Kristina Wong is a staff member and alumni of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. She graduated with a BS in Kinesiology, with an emphasis in Health Education & Promotion, and a minor in Environmental Studies, and recently completed her certification as a Health Coach to help others who are battling chronic disease. Kristina is passionate about the wellness of individuals, communities, organizations and the world. She loves seeing people break free from the barriers preventing them from living the abundant life.

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